KH7AL’s Ham Radio Adventures: Connect, Explore, Achieve

Hello, and thanks for stopping by. My name is Allen Le Vie, amateur radio call sign KH7AL. This page is the one-stop-shop to follow my adventures. 

I was first licensed in 2011 while stationed in Alaksa. I have learned much about the hobby along the way and now I enjoy encouraging others to join the hobby and discover the fun and adventure that awaits them.

My passion for Ham Radio resides in operating mountaintop portable while participating in Summits On The Air (SOTA).  As of fall 2024 I have over 150 activations under my belt, on my way towards surpassing the coveted 1,000 point “Mountain Goat” status. That’s a journey that I started back in 2013. Every activation is unique and I learn something new each time about researching summits, gear/pack preparation, hiking, activating and just enjoying my journeys in the great outdoors.

I also serve as the SOTA Association Manager for the Hawai’i Islands, KH6 association.  If you have any questions about ham radio, or Summits On The Air please email me: [email protected].

How does Wake Island fit in?

In the fall of 2024 I accepted a position as an Electronics Technician on Wake Island. This job is a rotational basis, meaning I work on Wake for a few months at a time, take a month off, then go back to Wake for another few months. It is not an ideal schedule but it supported a career change I needed to make. What it does not lack in is a shortage of ham radio connections from around the world. This is an ideal location to play ham radio. I hope we have the opportunity to meet “on the air” while I am here or in person while I travel around.

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Casey Peak and old fire lookout near Helena, Montana.

We should come home from adventures, and perils, and discoveries every day with new experience and character.” ~ Henry David Thoreau