20 Watts and a Wire

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26 January 2025

I was eager to get back on 12m Sunday evening (Wake time) to see what it had in store. The past several outings were nothing less than amazing for propagation. I setup at Pirates Cove around 0630z and quickly realized I had forgot my logbook back in my room. Luckily it is only five minutes away and was back at the radio in no time. I tuned up my radio on 20W to double check the SWR was still dialed in and settled in to begin operating moments before 0700z.

First in the log was IW3IBK after my first call out. He likely strategically staged himself the last place I was at on 12m. His signal sounded great and gave me hope for a good night on the band. Next up was VK3GA also booming in, and many more stations, so I had to quickly change to operating split. The sheer volume of calls raining down on Wake was utterly amazing. Working split 5 to 10 up only worked for a little while. I was having trouble pulling out any intelligible audio that resembled an actual full call sign. Slowly but surely things worked and I began turning pages in my logbook.

Side thought — Have you ever had that feeling after spending time on a boat or after riding a roller coaster, and when you put your feet back on solid ground you can still feel the sensation from the previous activity? I have a similar feeling but in the audio realm. After I turn off the radio the kaledascope of callsigns, letters, and numbers continue to echo in my mind for a day or so after. It sounds something like this, “Echo, Bravo, Yakee, Five, Zulu, Italy, Nine, Victoria, Kilo, Seven, Quebec, Alpha, Two, Whiskey, Charlie, Tango, Nine, America, Zanzabar, Echo, One….” On and on, until I fully relax and get distracted with other activities, work, or exercise. It is a small price to pay for offering KH9 to the rest of the world.

Unlike my previous early Zulu morning attempt on 12m, things did not slow down after 0900z. The signals seemed to get stronger and clearer. Then, at 0931z, I received a ‘5 5’ signal report back from SV2JAO. That is a great signal report on any day given the complexity and distance. However, at that very moment, I realized I had failed to turn my power back up after my initial tuning of my radio. I had collected 172 QSOs running 20W the whole time. I almost dropped my mic as I fumbled with my menus to crank the power up to (a whopping) 85W. Sorry if I didn’t give you a warning before blowing out your speakers after that, hi hi. The whole situation just made me appreciate the wonders of radio that much more. Things were still going strong after that, and then the rain started at 0945z. I was under a little shelter, but the wind off of the ocean tends to push the mist of the rain under the awning, so I was forced to shut down to save my radio and paper logbook. I hope you won’t hold it against me for being a fair weather operator. Until we meet again. 73, Allen

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22 responses to “20 Watts and a Wire”

  1. Peter Prendergast MD Avatar
    Peter Prendergast MD

    I’ve worked you twice from NC. Using a gigantic StepperIR DB42 at 120 ft. 1500 watts from my Flex PGXL and Icom 7851. You’ve given me 59 reports. You typically run 51 to 55 on 12. I’m looking for you on 39 40 and 20.

    Are you really only using 20 watts and a wire??
    If so mighty impressive wire!


    1. KH7AL Avatar

      Hello Peter,
      Normally I’m running betwwen 80-95W into a simple inverted-V dipole up about 5m, and a stone’s throw from the ocean. Last night was the goof of running 20W and being amazed some many people could still here me into Europe.
      Hope to catch you on another band in the near future.
      Allen ~ KH7AL/KH9

  2. John Penido Avatar
    John Penido

    I truly appreciate your patience in working me until my callsign came through clearly. Though I’m only running 100w and an OCF dipole up 35ft, you’ve heard me on 4 bands, and each time you didn’t give up until you heard my QSL.

    Your patient demeanor and attention to detail are also apparent in your blog. Reading it takes me there, so it’s a great way to unwind for the evening. Thanks for the time you put into making it so descriptive and enjoyable.

    And many thanks for your prompt QSLs on QRZ and LOTW, a real treat when many operators wait months to QSL, if at all. Stay safe and good DX!


    1. KH7AL Avatar

      Thanks for being a ‘regular visitor’ to KH9 and for your kind words. I do enjoy sharing Wake with everyone and don’t take that responsibility lightly.
      73 and good DX,
      Allen ~ KH7AL/KH9

  3. Wolfgang Avatar

    Hello Allen
    Thank you for the ATNO – you made my day last Sunday on 12m 🙂
    Congratulation for your activation – just great.
    I’m keen to get your LOTW confirmation to reach 305 DXCC 🙂

    All the best from the Swiss Alps remote DX-Station

    73 de HB9RYZ

    1. KH7AL Avatar

      Hello Wolfgang,
      What a magnificent station you have here in the Alps! I do see our QSO on 12m in LoTW.
      73 and good DX,
      Allen ~ KH7AL/KH9

      1. Wolfgang Avatar

        Hi Allen
        I used KH9/KH7AL instead of KH7AL/KH9 – its now in LOTW 🙂
        Thank you very much 🙂

        73′ Wolfgang

        1. KH7AL Avatar

          That has tripped a few people up. Good catch!

          1. Wolfgang Avatar

            Hi Allen
            I was honored to make a 20 USD donation via PayPal today.
            73 de HB9RYZ (SIDLER Information Security :-))

  4. Gerald Avatar

    Hello Allen

    Wire antenna and 20W?? great!

    I worked you with my 3el Ultrabeam and 400W on January 26, 2025 at 09.01UTC.
    According to your comment, you still had 20W at that time. I heard you with 55, it was a very good propagation.

    Thanks for the 3 band contacts so far.

    vy 73 de Gerald, OE3DSB

    1. KH7AL Avatar

      Hello Gerald,
      That is correct, I was still at 20W at that time. Next time I will have a checklist to make sure I am good to go. Hi hi.
      73 and good DX,
      Allen ~ KH7AL/KH9

  5. Danny Van Tricht Avatar

    Hi Allen

    Great to work you on 12m … new bandpoint to me.
    73 enjoy !

    ON4VT Danny

  6. davide capelli Avatar
    davide capelli

    I remember when I first started doing radio that the sideline information you could bring home would arrive after weeks….the same paper dx bulletins would often arrive after the station had already done activity. now with these systems you are able to hot to have immediate feedback of the emotions experienced almost in real time. …this thing you are running with your site I’m talking about the information you put and the possibility of almost immediate report is really very well done and managed. my compliments. in one of those qso made with 20 watts I’m there too…there is to be proud of…see you next time Allen and good work Davide IK4DT

    Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

    1. KH7AL Avatar

      Hello Davide,
      Thank you very much for your compliments. It is my pleasure and honor to share Wake with the world, and yes, today’s technology helps share it in ways that were unavailabe not so long ago.
      Allen ~ KH7AL/KH9

  7. Daryl Cash Avatar
    Daryl Cash

    Hello Allen

    That’s my dream to do a remote activation one day. Thanks for the qso and lotw confirmation, Hope to work you on other bands. Thanks for what you are doing for ham radio & POTA if it was not for people like you this sport would be dead. Thanks so much stay safe. k4DCP

    1. KH7AL Avatar

      Hi Daryl,
      POTA has done a lot for getting people out and about to play ham radio, and have fun along the way which is key. It is also great for building those foundational skills of operating in a simulated emergency environment, under less than perfect condtions to setup and operate. It doesn’t hurt too that those parks are generally great places to spend time in as well.
      73 and good DX!
      Allen ~ KH7AL/KH9

  8. Pierre Avatar

    Dear Allen,

    Thanks for the QSO’s and the LOTW confirmation already. Complete new DXCC for me. Thanks for your time to put wake active again. I wish you success and enjoy your stay on such remote and inaccessible location.
    Last time on 12m it was the best signal from you 55 with propagation moving short path and long path, but I did work you shorth path beaming 16° here; on 12m 8h04 UTC with typic voice distorsion, it was great indeed.


    1. KH7AL Avatar

      Thank you for your well wishes and contacts on 12, 15, & 17m. Here’s to more! Cheers.
      73 and good DX,
      Allen ~ KH7AL/KH9

  9. Sergio Nesti I5NSR Avatar
    Sergio Nesti I5NSR

    Good morning Allen, I’m Sergio I5NSR.
    I live in Italy near Florence.
    I wanted to congratulate you for the passion with which you make us connect Wake Island.
    Yours is truly a pure DX activity: few hours of transmission, precise times for openings with Europe. A real challenge.
    As an old Dx’er I don’t like mega expeditions that for reasons of money and sponsors, “kill” the interest and rarity of remote Coutry.
    Your activity has the flavor of true DX.
    I hope you have the opportunity to improve your antenna system, I wish you good work and see you soon to connect….
    73′ de I5NSR Sergio.
    P.S. = in 12mt, Sunday 26 we listened to you from the station of our club IQ5PO, with a signal of S7!!! You arrived via long pass, it’s about 28,000 km, with a wire and 20 watts.. crazy!!!

    1. KH7AL Avatar

      Hello Sergio,
      Thank you very much for your email and kind words. To hear I made it to Europe via long path is simply astounding. The magic of radio is alive and well. I do have some plans for antenna improvements coming shortly. The first of which is a DX Commander vertical. Then next month, my friend, NL7RR, will be here with his hex beam. I hope we can meet on the air in the near future.
      73 and good DX,
      Allen ~ KH7AL/KH9

  10. Cristian Mattetti Avatar
    Cristian Mattetti

    Hello Allen,
    Thanks for qso on 12 mt ssb, ATNO for me. Your signal was really good LP in the morning but I had a lot of difficulty receiving you on 17 mt the previous days so I ask you if, when you return to KH9, you plan to try also on FT8. It would be ideal to give the possibility to european om to work KH9 which for many would be ATNO and they would like to take advantage of this period much as possible where there are two operators in an entity with many restrictions.
    73 de Cris IU6PPX

    1. KH7AL Avatar

      Hello Cris,
      Glad we could meet on 12m. As for FT8 I am not sure. Of the digital capabilities for ham radio I would prefer to get Winlink capability up and going first from an emergency comms perspective being that I am in the middle of nowhere. I am not opposed to FT8 by any means, but I also find no joy in that mode. I do hope to increase my CW digital activity in the coming weeks, hi hi.
      73 and good DX,
      Allen ~ KH7AL/KH9

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