12 Meter QSO Anyone?

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  I have received many question and requests about 12 meters over the past couple months. Well, today I did something about it. 

  I get it. People hunt DX. Then they hunt rare DX by band. So, with some spare parts and wire I made a 12 meter dipole after work.  Once hoisted and in the air I was shocked that the SWR was at 1.25:1 without any trimming. My family will be shocked because I’m typically a measure twice, cut three times type of carpenter. With my measuring skills out in the open, I just wanted to share that I have a 12m antenna ready to go for this coming weekend. Now I just hope the bands cooperate to make many contacts. 73, Allen

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14 responses to “12 Meter QSO Anyone?”

  1. Peter Avatar

    Hi Allen,
    TNX for the 15m QSO! Will look for you tomorrow on 12m but the reliability is low from northern DL.
    Maybe only chances at 0800z on 17m SSB but who knows.
    73 and hope to cuagn

    1. KH7AL Avatar

      You are very welcome. Let’s hope for good band conditions!

    2. Mark Avatar

      I worked him 21. Jan 2025 on 12m at 8 UTC from nothern DL via short path.
      Rig 2ele on 12m

      73s de Mark – DK8MM

      1. KH7AL Avatar

        Hello Mark,
        Nice to meet you on the air. I hope all is well with you and yours in DL land.
        Allen ~ KH7AL/KH9

        1. Thian Avatar

          Hi Allen, tnx for putting KH9 on the air. Good copy on 12m today but just not strong enough to break EU wall from ZS country. Good luck. Will hope for next time. 73 Thian ZS2Y

          1. KH7AL Avatar

            Hello Thian,
            Someone told me you were in the mix but I could not hear you unfortunately. I have yet to get a QSO with Africa from Wake and looking forward to many of them. Hope to catch you soon.
            Allen ~ KH7AL/KH9

  2. Hartmut (Hardy) Avatar

    Hi Allen,

    Thank you for the QSO via long path on 12m. I don’t usually do phone anymore, but I couldn’t resist your beautiful signal from KH9. Wishing you a great stay on Wake Island! All the best, and hopefully we’ll meet again on other bands and modes.

    Vy 73’s Hardy – DF6PW

    1. KH7AL Avatar

      Hello Hardy,
      Great to meet you and if you read my latest blog post you might be surpised that our QSO was completed with 20W from my end. So I am guessing your station did most of the heavy lifting. Thank you for the QSO.
      Allen ~ KH7AL/KH9

  3. Marc, ON6CC Avatar
    Marc, ON6CC

    Wow! Did work you on 12m today, and worked you over the South Pole. As you already know, Western Europe is the most difficult part to work you…so I was excited to work you! Many thanks!

    1. KH7AL Avatar

      Glad we could meet on the air.
      Allen ~ KH7AL/KH9

  4. Thomas MARTIN Avatar

    Hello Allen,

    Today, on 12 mtr, you helped our club station DK0SU to get from 11 missing entities to only 10 now.
    And you helped me, DF7TV, operating at the club station, to get to 312 worked entities.
    Thank you so much for your well organized effort to make Wake I. accessible to hams!

    Somewhere I read, that you are QRV in CW as well — I hope to catch you soon in this mode!

    GL, CU 73
    Tom DF7TV

    1. KH7AL Avatar

      FB Tom,
      Thank you for being there. I will get to CW soon.
      73 and good DX!
      Allen ~ KH7AL/KH9

  5. Zdeslav Avatar

    Hello Allen,
    we worked on 12 m on 26.01.
    Your signal was very good – reaching S8 via LP – distance 17279.0 mi (27807.9 km)!!!
    I was using 4 el. WARC Spiderbeam antenna and 1kW PEP.
    This was our 3rd band QSO and ATNO (DXCC No. 296) for me.
    I hope to get your QSL card for my DXCC album after you get mine to your home address.
    See you soon at other bands
    Zdeslav /9A5TW

    1. KH7AL Avatar

      Hello Zdeslav,
      Great to work you on all those bands. Thanks for the QSOs.
      73 and good DX,
      Allen ~ KH7AL/KH9

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